Associate Degree in Human Services

Build a career changing lives with our Human Services degree

As a human services professional, you will provide a broad range of services that assist people in meeting basic human needs, enhancing their quality of life, and addressing obstacles to human growth and development.

Our associate degree in Human Services will help you build the core competencies human service employers are looking for including: performing intakes and assessments; conducting interviews and counseling; providing case management; practicing with professionally recognized ethics, values, and cultural competence; understanding the psychology of individuals and groups; and providing effective advocacy.

You will promote positive change in individuals, families, and communities. You will assist people in overcoming challenges and barriers that they face in their daily lives. And you will experience the incredible satisfaction of knowing that you made a real and positive difference in the lives of others.

Graduation requirements

Students must complete the Human Services major core courses and PHIL 105 with a minimum grade of “C” in each course and a cumulative GPA of 2.3. In addition, students must complete all of the general graduation requirements as stated in the catalog.

This program is SNAP eligible. Learn more!

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Find more information in the academic catalog.